Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is an advanced therapy using a range of specialised and gentle rhythmic pumping techniques to move the skin in the direction of lymph flow.

MDL is widely accepted as a  part of the treatment and control of lymphoedema.

It is important to know that Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a relatively superficial treatment as 70% of the lymphatic vessels are superficial. It is painless, so is suitable for people who have a high pain levels, or sensitivity, or where the soft tissue is fragile.

It can be used in combination with other types of manual treatment of massage.

Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) offers both preventive and therapeutic benefits that can enhance your well-being. It is promotes healing of fractures, torn ligaments, and sprains while reducing pain. MLD can improve various chronic conditions such as sinusitis, rheumatoid arthritis. MLD relieves fluid congestion, including swollen ankles, tired puffy eyes. It is an effective part of managing lymphedema, which may develop after cancer treatment, and helps with conditions caused by venous insufficiency. MLD also promotes the healing of wounds and burns, and can accelerate healing following cosmetic surgery.

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